The Software Development Observability Platform

Connect code and ticket data to achieve full software development lifecycle visibility.
Code/Ticket Linking
Work Time Attribution
Code Longevity Tracing
Activity Classification
Report Library
Observability Platform
Agile Scorecard
Predictive Roadmap
Cost Allocation
Many more...

What Is a Software Development Observability Platform?

A Software Development Observability Platform is a fully managed system that ingests, enriches, and integrates data with built-in business intelligence (BI) reporting, giving you accurate, automated insights — specially tailored to drive software process maturity, predictability, quality, and more.

How Does minware’s Development Observability Platform Work?

Code/Ticket Linking

Reliably linking commit, pull request, deployment, ticket, sprint, and project artifacts between systems while correctly handling complex Git flows, rebases, subtasks, custom fields, and typos is... not fun, trust us.
minware handles linking for you, yielding a clean data model interconnecting all your development activity.

Work Time Attribution

Siloed Jira reports typically miss over 50% of work because it is off the books (e.g., interruptions), and no one likes doing time tracking.
minware builds a detailed timeline from commits, assignments, and more using our unique time model (patent pending) so you have full visibility with zero effort.

Code Longevity Tracing

Code scanning tools only offer trivial surface-level insights. The real test is how soon you have to fix or remove code, but tracking that manually is extremely time-consuming.
minware’s code longevity system (patent pending) automatically links new code lines in each commit with commits that remove them, giving you the ground truth about code quality.

Activity Classification

Defining "good" is often the hardest part of data analysis, and doing it with only your organization’s data is a shot in the dark.
minware tells you whether branches, tickets, epics, and sprints follow best practices based on experience working with thousands of teams.

Report Library

General-purpose reports in Excel and BI tools require a lot of customization and struggle with complex multi-dimensional software development data.
minware’s report library is specially tailored for use cases like sprint retrospectives and quarterly roadmap planning, with everything you need to drill down into data and visualize complex event timelines.