Bug SLA Resolution

Track your bug SLA resolution (BSLAR) metric and see the longest open bugs.
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The bug SLA resolution (BSLAR) report helps you track how many bugs are resolved within an SLA window based on priority.

Many enterprise contracts contain SLA clauses for resolving issues, but it can also be helpful for teams to track internal problems to make sure they are handled with appropriate urgency.

First, this report looks at different percentiles for resolution time by bug priority level. It measures the time from when a ticket was opened with a high priority or escalated to that priority until it was closed, counting a separate time window if a ticket is later reopened. This provides additional accuracy beyond a typical spreadsheet report.

This report also helps you diagnose issues affecting bug SLA resolution by listing all of the recently closed bugs sorted by resolution time. This lets you drill down into specific issues and assess their root cause.

Finally, the report has a chart showing the history of open high-priority bugs so that you can get a sense of how frequently they occur and spot situations where many bugs are open at the same time, which can interfere with SLA resolution.