Change Control Compliance

Change Control
View the percentage of time where work is done in compliance with change control best practices.
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Change Control Compliance Report Screen Shot

The Change Control Compliance report automatically calculates the percentage of time where work is done in compliance with the following change control best practices: use of branches, use of pull requests, and code reviews.

The Change Control Compliance report displays the percentage of time spent spent in the following ways:

  1. On commits in a non-main branch
  2. On branches merged through a pull/merge request
  3. On merged branches that received a code review

You can easily customize the report to filter by team or person to see more detail on how well various groups perform on these metrics.

Adhering to these best practices results in the following benefits:

  1. Shared knowledge across the team
  2. Improved code quality, security, and performance
  3. Auditability of code changes for compliance purposes

This report is useful to team leads, engineering leaders, security teams, and anyone interested in how well the organization complies with change control best practices.