DORA Metrics

Track the four classic DORA metrics plus ticket lead time.
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This report offers the four classic DORA metrics, plus lead time at the ticket level to give you a holistic view of your team’s delivery performance.

The four classic DORA metrics are:

  • Deployment Frequency - Measure how frequently your team deploys to production. Strong numbers here of one or more deployments per day indicate a healthy build and deployment process with a high degree of automation.
  • Lead Time for Changes - This metric is computed as the average time from first commit to deployment by pull request (PR). It indicates not only the health and frequency of the deployment process, but also that changes happen in small pull requests that are reviewed and merged quickly. This report additionally shows a breakdown of lead time by stage, including first commit to PR open, PR review, PR merge, and deployment.
  • Change Failure Rate - This number shows how much of the time a deployment results in a high-severity incident. This report computes change failure rate by dividing the number of new high-priority tickets by the number of deployments in a given time period. This metric is a good indicator of code quality, change complexity, and test coverage.
  • Time to Restore Service - Also known as mean time to restore (MTTR), this metric shows the average amount of time it takes to resolve an incident once it occurs. It is measured by the time from creation to completion for high-priority incident tickets.

This report also provides a bonus metric: Ticket Lead Time. Pull request lead time is important, but it doesn’t show how long it takes for customers to see value for more complex tickets with multiple pull requests. Ticket lead time gives you a more clear picture of how long it takes to deliver finished features.