minQL Property Reference

See all of the properties and events available in minQL for your organization and inspect their values.
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This report lists all of the available minQL properties in your organization’s data, and lets you inspect their values.

It covers four main primary object tables: ticket, branch, person, and team.

First, this report shows each of the names you can use when using .get('<name>'), .duration('<name>'), or .onChange('<name>') to access properties of these four objects, along with a count of objects in your organization having a non-null value. This list includes any custom fields you have added in Jira or other ticketing systems.

Note that if there are duplicate custom fields with the same name in your ticketing system, you may see different properties like priority and priority_12345. This can occur when importing data tickets from another Jira instance or deprecating and replacing a custom field. You will have to inspect the values and counts to see which one is the one you want.

Next, the report shows available events for ticket and branch objects that you can reference in metrics using ticket.event('<name>') or branch.event('<name>').

Following the property names, there are widgets that can display values of specific properties. To change the property for which values are displayed, click on the widget and edit the property name filter. These widgets help determine which values are available when using different properties.

Finally, the report shows values of the subType field associated with events, which you can again filter by event type by clicking on the widget and adjusting the event name filter. These values can further be used to filter events with a .filter() expression.