Tech Debt Measurement

Tech Debt
Track time spent on bugs and estimate misses, the two main manifestations of technical debt.
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The tech debt measurement report shows how much time developers spend on bug fixes and estimate overruns – the two main ways in which tech debt manifests.

This library template breaks down bug and estimate overrun cost by team so that you can identify areas with greater technical debt.

By editing the breakdowns, you can also show the impact of tech debt along other dimensions such as repository.

Estimate overruns are calculated based on time spent over a particular number of days per story point. The table at the bottom of the report shows the average number of days per point across different story point levels, as well as an overall average of dev days per story point.

The default over-estimate threshold is 2 days per point – approximately double the average. This allows for the approximate nature of story points while still counting time well in excess of the expected cost for a given ticket.