Ticket Status Workflow

This report dives into detail about how tickets flow through different statuses so you can better understand usage of statuses in practice.
The first chart in this report shows active dev time by ticket status (DTTS), which breaks down time to tickets using minware’s time model by the ticket’s current status. It provides insight into where developers are spending time, such as implementation, review, and QA.
The report also shows all work time by ticket status (ATTS), which counts non-development time in addition to active development time. This can help to understand where time goes outside of active development.
Next, the report shows ticket cycle time (TCT) by status, which is the amount of time tickets spend in each status on average.
To get better visibility on common status transitions, the next chart shows status transition count (STC). The chart shows a breakdown of transitions by starting status, and then you can click on a series in the chart to see the most common next statuses when transitioning from the starting status.
Finally, this report shows ticket reopen (TRO) rate and ticket bounce-back (TBB) rate. These metrics look at all statuses based on status category (to-do, in progress, done) and looks at backwards transitions out of done, and from in progress back to to-do so you can see when the workflow is not functioning as expected.